Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Christian Zionism

Christian Zionism

Protestant faith affected much Judaism, as a result of this vulnerability is similar coexistence holy alliance between the Protestant and Jewish communities in general, and created a more specific relationship between Zionism and Judaism Protestant fundamentalism.

Characterized by Protestant in the United States as possible to them to understand the Christian Zionist movement axes:

Dominance of the Protestant fundamentalist trend.
Althud control of the Protestant fundamentalists.

And secured the Christian Zionist Christian Zionism "before the founding of the State of Israel" need to return the Jewish people to the promised land in Palestine and the establishment of a Jewish entity in which paves the second return of Christ and founded the Kingdom of the millennium.

The idea of the return of Jews to Palestine cornerstone of the Christian Zionist ideology
The idea of the return of Jews to Palestine cornerstone of the Christian Zionist ideology, so the idea of establishing a "national homeland for Jews in Palestine" that the security of the Protestant Christian faith before the Jews themselves are the most important thing that combines the two parties.

The term Christian Zionism is not mentioned much before the era of the nineties last century, this school is classified within the evangelical Protestant groups, the Movement of Protestant Evangelical, and the movement of approximately 130 million each member of the continents of the world.

The definition of Christian Zionism as a "Christian Zionism that support," and became known for belonging to this movement called "Christian Zionists."

The main idea of this movement in need of assistance to achieve the prophecy of God through the provision of support for Israel.

Christian Zionism and wants to rebuild the Jewish Temple on the site on which the Al-Aqsa Mosque today. In their view is that by achieving a full Israeli hegemony on all the "Palestine", the fact that Palestine is the (promised land). Christian Zionism believes that doing so would circulate divine blessings for the whole world.

The emergence of movement

Christian Zionism is the basis of the current millennium in the first century, which is believed to govern the return of Christ a thousand years are Christians of Jewish origin
Christian Zionism arose - as we know it today - in England in the 17 century, which was linked to politics, particularly the perception Jewish state by its assertion of Bible prophecy, with the commencement of large migrations to the United States has assumed a political movement clear and firm, also took an international dimension is the Provide full support for the Jewish people in Palestine.

The roots of this movement relates to religious trend goes back to the first century AD, called the Millennium NiƱo (Millenarianism), and the millennium is the religious belief arose among Christians of Jewish origin, which goes back to staying in the belief that Christ will return to this world surrounded by saints owns the land for a thousand years, therefore Named a millennium.

There interpretation adopted in the historic Christian faith states that the Jewish nation ended with the arrival of Christ, and that the departure of Jews from Palestine was punishment for the heart of Jesus Christ, and that Palestine is the legacy of Christ for Christians, but the emergence of religious reform movement in Europe in the 16 century, claimed responsibility saying that "Jews are God's chosen people" and they are the nation's favorite when the Lord, and that there is the promise of divine linking Jews to Palestine, therefore linked to the Christian faith Protestant reform movement after the return of Christ to faith-second ad by the Zionist entity at all the land of Palestine.

There has been a split between the theorists Christian Zionism in the 19 century, and new schools, supporting the theory of British Jews turned to a Christian before returning to Palestine Christians and American Jews believe that Jews would return to Palestine before their conversion to Christianity.

The head of the school thought the Irish American priest John Nelson radio starts playing, which is considered as the spiritual father of the American Zionist Christian movement.

During the 60 years humans radio starts playing for his theory by writing many of the compositions that separated his vision for the return of Christ, the second theory, theory of the millennium. The radio starts playing six missionary visits to the United States, and thus became famous advocate and a teacher has many followers.

He held the banner of the movement of radio starts playing several priests of the month Dawit Moody, who knew the promotion of the theory of "God's chosen people", and William Eugene Blackstone, which A book entitled "Christ is coming" in 1887 and confirmed the theoretical right of the Jewish according to the reading of the Torah in Palestine. But the more hawkish theoreticians was the Rev. Cyrus Scofield A book entitled "Scofield Reference Bible" in 1917, a book which has become a first reference to the Christian Zionist movement.

Among the most famous politicians who have contributed to the growth of the Christian Zionist movement British Member of Parliament Lord Chavtsebre, was Chavtsebre Christian conservative and the good relationship the British policy makers in the middle of the 19 century. In the year 1839 Chavtsebre stated in an article published in the periodical famous Quarterly Review that "we must encourage the return of Jews to Palestine in large numbers, so that they can once again be a platform in Samarra and the Galilee," That was 57 years ago by the emergence of the World Zionist movement, the Lord Chavtsebre Is the first description of the Jews and Palestine, saying "people without a homeland .. people without a homeland."

Theodor Herzl was the founder of modern Zionism is the first to use the term "Christian Zionism", and Christian Almtzin known as a "Christian Zionism, which supports", then the term evolved to take a religious dimension, and it became Christian Almtzin is a "man of God, which helps to achieve prophecy through support presence Organic Israel, rather than help it achieve its Biblical through the body of Christ. "

Theodor Herzl himself the security and put forward the idea of the Jewish state was not primarily a religious motivation, it is a secular nationalist, and declared its willingness to accept a Jewish settlement in Uganda or Iraq or Canada or even Argentina, the Zionists and Christians have believed that Palestine is the homeland of the Jews, and considered a condition for the return of Christ, So permissive attitude criticized by Theodor Herzl.

Literature of the Christian Zionist movement

Meet with Jewish and Zionist movements Christian Zionism on the "project of rebuilding the Jewish Temple on the site on which the Al-Aqsa Mosque today." So the aim, which is working to achieve movements around the imposition of Jewish sovereignty on the whole of Palestine is the invitation as "the promised land of the Jews" That would lead to disseminate divine blessings to all the world.

Contributed to the ease of dissemination and adoption of the ideas of Christianity Alsoynet
Relations large and complex built by the aim of pressure and influence especially on the American media and the legislative and executive powers
She translated the beliefs of this movement beginning in the year 1917 with the Balfour Declaration "which endorsed the idea of national homeland for Jews in Palestine" and agreed with most Protestants Americans on this idea, they implemented a religious belief and duty.

Christian Zionism and affected three directions combined with the backdrop of religious interpretation based on Biblical texts, although the difference in those directions and contradictory with each other sometimes, the literal interpretation of biblical faith and the need to help Israel gather themselves. The three movements are:

Movement of people interested in the cause of the end of the world and indicators.
Movement of people interested in the issue closer to the Jews for Christ.
Movement focused on defending Israel and the blessing and support everything that is possible and available.

The most important thing combines Christian Zionism and Judaism today can be summed up in three main points:

Joint Jewish-Christian heritage.
Jewish Christian ethics.
Moral and ethical obligation to support Israel.

Christian Zionist movement translate their ideas into policies supportive of Israel, and that requires the creation of organizations and institutions working hard towards this goal. Therefore, the Christian Zionist movement establishment of several institutions such as the "Christian Israeli public relations and founder of the" unitary National Coalition for Israel, "One of the goals of these institutions to support Israel in various U.S. institutions, both political and non political.

There are approximately 40 million followers of Christian Zionism in the United States alone, an increase of that movement especially after it became a prominent presence in all sectors of American society.

The American media is a growing audience for them as there are nearly 100 television stations, in addition to more than 1000 radio stations and operates in the area of preaching almost 80 thousand priest.

The movement to spread the influence of politicians in the United States reached a significant degree of faith in filling some of the White House saying the movement and acknowledge this publicly. Former Presidents Jimmy Carter "democratic" and Ronald Reagan's "republican" They were presidents of the most Americans firmly committed to the principles of Christianity and Zionism.
Chief editor of the Washington Report

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