Thursday, July 17, 2008

Jewish campaign to destroy "Israel is not a country"

Jewish campaign to destroy "Israel is not a country"
Washington - launched one of the major Jewish organizations in force in the United States
Wide campaign to destroy pages and forums and groups on the "Vis Bock" social months on the Internet claiming that it anti-Israel and anti-Semitic.
She accused the "Anti-Defamation League" American Jewish activists in a statement Internet opposed to Israel as "the second edition of anti-Semitism", urging supporters to "assist in the destruction of these groups on the Internet," according to the report, broadcast news agency "that Rabin America" Wednesday 9 -7-2008.

The organization specialized in the monitoring activities opposition to Israel and branding anti-Semitism, expressed concern of these activists, describing it as "an explosion of hate on the Internet, which is extremely dangerous to Jews and Israel, in light of attracting activists anti-Semitic propaganda and hostile to Israel, tens of thousands of readers ".

"Israel is not a country"

The organization identified in a letter to supporters Group (Israel is not a country .. removed from the country Vis Bock), said: "We know the danger posed by this odious propaganda on the Internet, and we are determined to uncover the truth."

And crossed the "Anti-Defamation League" is alarmed by the popularity of the "Israel is not a country", manifested in the number of its members achieve the 40 thousand member, as well as more than 100 thousand suspend its readers in the group.

She described the organization of these comments and the content in the group, and in many similar forums, as "hostile to Israel and the Commissioner."

She succeeded in "uncovered other examples of intolerance and anti-Semitism, sites and blogs hostile to Israel, and abusive packages in Vis Bock, and examples of the use of (the Islamic Resistance Movement in Palestine) Hamas to the media on the Internet for indoctrination of young children."

Pledged to confrontation

It called "Anti-Defamation League" its supporters to participate in the confrontation against those who nominated "second edition of anti-Semitism", by signing a pledge to condemn the anti-Israel groups on "Face Bock" and other social sites.

He says the undertaking published by the Organization among Internet users: "I pledge to stand with the Anti-Defamation League in the war against hatred and extremism on the Internet."

It stresses that "anti-Semitic groups on the Internet at extremely dangerous to Israel and the Jews, and pledge to help the Anti-Defamation League in the detection and detect other forms of hatred on the Internet."

According to the Jewish organization, occurred around 50 thousand people on this undertaking, in the context of the campaign itself the Organization developed a formula to help supporters of Israel in identifying Internet sites and groups against the Jewish state.

The Association asked its supporters to fill this formula through to give any information about the sites, groups or forums anti-Israel, Enlace own if possible, so easily followed.

And many groups are active on the "Vis Bock" in a follow-up initiatives to support the Palestinian cause, and monitor the dates actors of civil society bodies and various political forces in the Arab world and Islamic advocacy of the Palestinian cause and anti-Israeli attacks on Palestinians and the effects of illegal siege on the Gaza Strip.

In the 60 anniversary of the catastrophe of Palestine on 15 May last, the site attracted the lion's share of social months to participate are invited to commemorate this anniversary, activists and established special groups on this occasion to count thousands of its members, such as the "Palestine 60 years .. .. raped 60-year resistance."

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