Sunday, June 29, 2008

Zionist equivalent of racism

Zionist equivalent of racism
D. Jihad mentality
Saturday, March 18 (March) 2006.
Thirty years ago, at 8 v 2 1975, the General Assembly of the United

Nations, resolution number 3379 is «the form of Zionism

Racism and racial discrimination ».

Of course, the resolution was based on a human, to «Universal Declaration

Human Rights »approved by the United Nations on December 10, 1948,

And a series of subsequent resolutions and the other based upon, most notably:

Resolution No. 1904, the date of November 20, 1963, guaranteed

«United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination».

Resolution 1351, the date of December 14, 1973, and guaranteed «removal

Evil alliance between racism and racial South Africa »

Declaration of Mexico in July 1975, and the content "« Cooperation

International peace and require achieving liberation and independence nationalists and remove

Colonialism and neo-colonialism and foreign occupation and Zionist separation

Racism, Racial Discrimination .. ».

Kampala Declaration on the first of August 1975, which read:

«That the racist regime ruling in occupied Palestine and the Staff racists

The rulers of Zimbabwe and southern Africa due to the continued colonial common

The whole entity, with the structure of racially-one is organically linked

In its policies aimed at wasting human dignity and inviolability ».

Declaration of Lima on Aug. 30, 1975, which called for «condemning Zionism

Maximum intensity as a threat to world peace and security .. The demand to all

Developing resistance to these racist ideology imperialism ».

She «the United Nations General Assembly» on December 16, 1991, the

Cancel its decision to Zionism as a form of

Racism ».

The cancellation of the said resolution, presents a series of questions:

First: The United Nations has justified its decision to take No. 3379 Declaration

Global human rights declarations and other previously mentioned, why

Justify this Assembly rescind this decision?

Of course the United Nations could not find a logical justification for this cancellation issuing

Resolution of this one line, it goes against the most basic legal rights, which

Carried out «United Nations», a decision is not insurance, decision

Void criminal against humanity at large, added to the resolutions of Sykes-Picot,

The Balfour Declaration, the «State of Israel» .. At the International Court of Justice

To review it and decide not to legality and legitimacy and scholars

Rights in the Arab world to seriously address this flagrant violation

«International legitimacy».

Second: The question at the heart of belief «Jewish Zionist», is,

This doctrine has given up on the most basic principles that allow the abolition of racism

Resolution 3379, equivalent Zionism with racism?

1 No, not abandoned the Jews and Zionists believed, deception, that they

«God's chosen people» distinct nation, is superior in the race, and that the rest of creation

God Agamawat any animals, created in the form of rights, only to be able

To serve the Jewish «God, which is more than the angels, which is part

From God », as stated in the Talmud, so that enabled is especially for them, a tribal

A hateful racist «Livni in a moment of non-Jews».

2 tends not Jews from their Islamic law, the idea of abolishing the deception of others and annihilation

To take his place, they still believe the myth «Promised Land»

Extending from the Nile to the Euphrates, and cleared it of all evil, SPECULATE

Sunan roughshod over the evolution of life and the emergence of nations, and the functioning of history.

3 Jews not convinced yet by any of the doctrines based on

Fusion groups, and the equal rights and duties, warned the Jewish

His people, saying: «... Do not listen to the enlightened among us who believe in

Integration », describes the Jewish Max Fordham integrated another Jewish blood

That is not blood but washing machine.

4 did not accept Jews never a separation between the Jewish religion «and Zionism

As a political racism, and it seems manipulation of Jewish thinkers to this subject


When a Herzl founded Zionism at the end of last century, once known:

«Return to the fold as a Jewish», Zionism has been cited to this

Hangar majority of Jews worldwide.

It is attacked by Zionist Jews, the category addressed to deceive people and discharged

For acts of terrorism, violence and criminality that was committed by the Zionists,

The other category, such as the role of the ostrich called an attempt to criticize Zionism,

To no avail, like Morgantini, who believed «the greatest Zionist mislead

Back in history », and Judas Magnes, who bear the responsibility of Jews

Zionist terrorism, and said: «It is easy to begin every Jew from

Zionism when necessary, but every Jew in fact is responsible for

The existence of Zionism itself »?.

In the organized criminal operations, carried out by Jews against others,

Even against the Jews themselves, especially between the leaders attempted 1897 1975

Jews separation between Judaism and Zionism, to cover these operations,

And to spare the Jewish people did induced damage to those criminal acts

Racism, scoffed at a group of writers Alamirkanyen and Europeans,

Having emerged at the forefront at the end of the sixties and Maxim Almrbergr Rudenson,

In addition to Jean-Paul Sartre, who ridiculed the Jewish publication of a book

Famous: «Reflections on the issue of Jewish». «Reflexions sur la question Juive

By which the distortion of the reality of peoples belonging and loyalty national defense and

From the massacres committed by the Jews in the Western world, and justify it

Reaction deceptive «anti-Semitism» launched by the Jews themselves,

They were at the forefront «Or illiterate», How can we explain the massacres committed by the

Jews against Jews, particularly in the days of Hitler's Germany?

Did not blow the Jewish Agency agents synagogue in Baghdad in 1951

? As did the bombing of Jewish vessels: «Patria and Rome».

Armin Hovil says: «think that there is no anti-Semitic

More than Jews themselves ». He says Roger generation, I am accused of writing:

«We have seen how the Zionists shares during periods of history several times in the

Campaign of anti-Semitism in the persecution of Jews, even in the massacre of Jews in pursuit

Overseas strengthen the Jewish conscience

And raising a sense of Jewish identity ».

B adoption of resolution 3379 when Judge equality Zionism with racism,

It is not Jewish racism, Jewish leaders and not the Zionists, it is established

Minimum, did not sit, even the abolition of the said resolution?

On the day following the adoption of resolution 3379 in any 11/11/1975, radio broadcast

Israeli statement to Nahum Goldman, President of World Jewish Congress

Describing the decision as «immoral» adds «It is the duty of the people

Jews must act firmly against this decision ».

The New York Times published the morning of 3/12/1975, has covered one of its pages

Declaration bulletin included the American Jewish Congress President phrase, which is: «We

We are proud Jews. We are proud that we are Zionists ».

At the conference held by the «Jewish leaders in the world» in Jerusalem on 3/12/1975

, Announced the Head of State Ephraim Katsir «that the conference is a symbol of unity

Israel and the Jews and Zionism ».

Thus revoked the 3379 resolution mask, revealing the Jewish Trick

Reality: the equality of Jewish Israeli Zionism with racism

It is a mouth Jews condemned Judaism.

Third: Are the Jews respect the decision of the United Nations Resolution 3379, and how

Dealt with the cancellation?

Of course, Jews did not respect the resolution, and the oldest head of state enemy Haim

Herzog, then tore the resolution and pitch in the face of the world from the rostrum of «United

Nations »itself, which had taken the decision.

Herzog has described the Prime Minister Shamir resolution states that: «injustice

Historic », and« to smudge in the infamous skin United Nations, and that a historic mistake »

And «Dirt» has not slowed the Jews throughout the 16 years until they managed to cancel

Resolution, did not cancel the hearts and considered it «compensation for the error

Historical »and« happy surprise ».

Fourth: How to apply racism, currently in the occupied territories?.

Theoretically, could be deceived by «some of the world» Jewish Rebounds

Zionism as racism, but in practice they relate to reveal «laws»

And «administrative practices» which is the backbone of nation-building

Israel racism.

Based upon the Jewish Zionist state on racial triangle

Integrated: the Jewish takeover on the ground, emptying the land from its owners

True, settling Jews on the land without others.

On this basis, the «Israel» aggressive laws in 1949 between

1950, the most important: the laws «Defense General» and «security zones»

And «confiscated for the benefit of public» and «Absentee Property», and summed up the contents of this

Laws: grabbing land from their rightful owners, and give them to Jews

Only, and this is the most important chapter in Jewish Zionist racism.

These «laws» another set of legislative ballots, which prove

Jewish racist element, namely:

Law of Return (1950) The text in its first article: «every Jewish immigrant becomes

Israeli citizens ».

Nationality Act (1952) which grants citizenship to all Jewish immigrants, after

1971-General has granted citizenship to all Jews before the migration.

This follows a series of «laws», which clearly emphasizes the racial discrimination

Jewish Zionist, including:

Regulation Act courts had been prepared (1953) which prohibits mixed marriages between

Jews and others.

Defense laws, which give the military ruler Jewish right to control

Non-Jewish citizens enslaved, and take away their rights, under the slogan necessities

Security, imposing closed areas, has the right to control people

The Tovifam, arrested and exiled without trial, has the right to impose a curfew.

Emergency laws, and begin to restrict the activities of intellectual and political

And ending the demolition of homes and expulsion of the population.

And culminate «racism laws» collective punishment, and destroy homes

And destruction, burning of villages, with mass terrorism, and firing

Morbid racism to infringe upon the Christian spiritual Standings

The Islamic Did not burn the Jews and the Church of the Resurrection-Aqsa Mosque and library

Baptist Monastery and the Russian Compound, and the Ibrahimi mosque massacre committed??

Finally, do not forget, the policy of massacres carried out by the Jewish organization, is proud

Out, Begin has said for the massacre of Deir Yassin: «Lula victory for Deir Yassin

There was room for the existence of Israel ». Yes, that Israel has the blood

The devastation and tears and criminality, and these are not qualities of humanity, civilization,

Divine, she attributes a nomadic animal, hellish, rejected by religions

At the forefront of the Christian religions and Mohammedia.

The «personal Jewish» racism laws are formulated, we have mentioned,

Jewish nature arises LOVES aggression, intolerance, terrorism,

The closure ..

The Jewish Zionist racism:

Risk to human values, especially on the principle of good, which

I have known human civilizations, religions and endorsed by the first and foremost

Christian and Mohammedia, and confirmed by the ordinances.

It is a real threat to the principles of international peace and security are threatening to blow up the

Ethnic wars, racism and sectarianism, which will recognize people from the scourge.

The risk of Jewish Zionist racism on our values and our society

And our future, a real risk based on a plan aimed at systematically hostile

Abolition of civilization, and extinction, and replacement of the Jews in our land, and this plan does not

But the plan faces more of them organized. This plan created Syrian Party

National Social and plans in a bitter conflict and even win the right

And takes falsehood.

And our nation, a nation's civilization and religions and goodness and peace, a nation always on the right,

It is a nation inevitably victorious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dr Taylor teaches us how to attain deep inner peace - easily, simply, without drugs, anytime we want it. Forgive me for doing everything I can to be sure everyone reads this book and sees this video, but I think all of us benefit and in the larger sense, if everyone reads this, our world will benefit in a very large way.