Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Zionist Organization of Freemasonry preferences known

The Zionist Organization of Freemasonry preferences known.
Muslim American was in command of the principle of advance in the movement Nation of Islam condemns Alalija doctrine, which implied a racially suspect, the view of some analysts that it supported the purpose of demolishing Islam, the name of Islam, especially among blacks, then God is pleased the owner of the pilgrimage and meet with scientists island, Egypt, Sudan and irreversibly established group he called " Sunni Community "and proceeded to advocate religion as the right ballots, and remained on this case recognizes the hands groups and is due to debt from the right deceived even the inner thoughts on 18 Shawwal in 1381 when e Chaabaz owner was invited to deliver a lecture at New York University and boarded the podium when taking calls Of Islam and fabricated an altercation occurred in the middle of the room fragmentation of those present in people inadvertently started eight of ten rounds left three men sitting first year of stabilized in the body of this preacher.
There is no doubt that such abuse is invited to Islam and the Koran, language and carried out by well _ peace be upon him _ but others say.
At the following URL: definition and some of his efforts will be mentioned in this regard:
And signed by a war of Islam recruited dozens of articles and participating in the obedience of Islam and pro-Zionist calling for U.S. intervention in Middle East Policy strongly:
Evangelist priest known to live in an area of Incberg, Virginia is the weekly radio and television to reach more than 10 million homes, has called the University of fundamentalist University of freedom, defined proportion of insulting our Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him. It is worth mentioning that the Israelis BIRTH special plane for BOLLWILLER of the type and price of 2.5-3.5 million Indstrem with spare parts worth half a million dollars. The BOLLWILLER boast that interrupt the jets 10 thousand miles a week of campaigning for its candidates. It was the first American political BOLLWILLER distinguished wrote: American support for Israel is not for the sake of Israel only, but in order to preserve America itself.
As the 1980 elections increased visibility BOLLWILLER She lights at the press of his organization known as the national majority. The Reagan rewarded grants medal bears the name of Vladimir Jabotnski ideological falsehood of the Zionist right-wing and Professor Begin. In general Halsl also says: "For BOLLWILLER Begin and the same goals: they are passionate about the force and justify violence in order to achieve them."
It is the battle of the end of history that he believes Protestants inevitable with Muslims at the foot of Armageddon, this book has been published on its Internet site: has put on the first page - it deserves from God - a false biography of our Prophet _ peace be upon him _.
() Evangelist priest, known political agenda, and absolute support for Israel, possesses a number of media organizations, including the 700 Club, has a television program of up to tens of millions in the United States of America, in addition to the space station possess up to 90 countries by more than 50 languages are Station (Christian Broadcasting) and others, as he stands behind the largest religious political alliance in the Republican Party is "Christian Coalition" It is worth mentioning that the candidacy of the presidential elections in 1988 and then was the reason for this man, Bush Jr. won the chairmanship of the Republican Party in March 2000, he was driving Right-wing Christian Coalition in favour of it, has revealed that Bush's rival, John McCain.
The White House on Friday, 4 / October / in 2002 by announcing the grant of religious half a million U.S. dollars for the priest (now Rewson), it should be noted first grant offered by the White House to any institution or religious personalities.
A pastor in Florida, Phil Jackson, one of the most prominent speakers at the annual conference of Southern Baptist Churches, the largest religious conference held each year.
Article published on the association adopted this when he:
The title of an article: [repair] the problem of the image of Islam.
Check site: a publication in several locations.
See previous site.

"Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins".
This phrase saying that the first to speak, French philosopher (Helvétius, Claude Adrien), Helvetyaw, Claude Deguea, (1715 -1771), but legal expert told the U.S. (Oliver Wendell Holmes, jr), and Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. (1841-1935) , Does not mean they were started from.
Seen on this in an article written entitled: limits of freedom, (Liberty's limits), and published in the Ottawa Hall sounded Kum [interactive group on the Internet brings the writings of conservative political organizations, and Congressional officials, activists and politicians gathered them thought conservatives], and on the following link a copy of an article :

Islam in Denmark is the second religion as the total population, it is among 5.4 million people there are 180,000 Muslims represent 3.5% of the total population, followed by the Catholic community with a population of 35,000 inhabitants, then the Jehovah's Witnesses and the population is 15,000 people, the Jews the same number 7,000 . The vast majority understand Alanjleon Lutherans, account for 83.2% of the total population, however, that the ratio of community service to keep them at the church Länder to account for only 3%.
Consider these figures in the report of the American religious freedoms in 2005 segment Denmark, was closed, and a link to the Foreign Ministry following a copy of the section on the topic:
Under the resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly 217 thousand (-3 d) of December 10, 1948.
Adopted and presented for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution of the United Nations 2200 A (-21) of 16 January / December 1966 effective date: March 23, 1976, in accordance with the provisions of Article 49.
Consider preamble to the Declaration, and on the following link from the United Nations Arabic version of the text of the declaration:
Article 20 of the Covenant and on several sites including the Arabic version:
The University of Minnesota - his human rights at the following URL:
As well as the Arab Network for Human Rights Information:
On the annual report on religious freedom in the world in 2004, at the following URL from the site of the U.S. State Department electronic copy of the complete report:
Ambassador John Hanford in the State Department report on the annual International Religious Freedom issued by the U.S. State Department for 2005, and a link to the U.S. State Department following a copy of which Name:
Perhaps the reader knows that what Karim said here not only in the context of praise, but in the context of a paradox.
Matthew 5 / 40, in the Gospel of Luke him 6 / 30.
Matthew 5/43-45, and Luke 6 / 29.
Issam: Jaldh The source Massaa, and the Arabs say: Issam hero, or made vulnerable Astrqua concerned, a man of Turkey: Zaeef, says: Astrkoh Vastjeraua, and the Arabs say: Cut the rope in terms of installed any weakness.


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