Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Zionism present dismal

Zionism present dismal

By Daniel Pipes
Jerusalem Post
October 11, 2007

Seeded English original: Zionism's Bleak Present
Translation: p. G.

"We all Kinzion far," saying the famous words of Richard Nixon when the failed economic theories of John Maynard Keynes and worsened reputation. By the same token, one could say with the same confidence in 1989, when he was Israel's existence gain wide acceptance: "We are all Zionists now." No longer the case.

No longer the case now. I think the factors and circumstances that make Israel under siege: Iranians make a nuclear bomb, Syrians crowded chemical weapons, the Egyptians and Saudis develop weapons and conventional forces serious ATTACKS Hezbollah from Lebanon and the opening of the West Bank and Hamas from Gaza, and Israeli citizens are Muslims become politically and writing more violent.

The universally opposed to the continued existence of a Jewish university professors, journalists, editors and staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Even friendly governments, particularly the Bush administration, pursuing diplomatic initiatives to undermine the Israeli deterrence, while sales of weapons weaken Israel's security.

Let's assume, however, that Israel's problems and move out from each side, and that makes it a great challenge facing them: the Jewish people had had enough and by a growing belief, which founded the state and country, Zionism, the Jewish national movement.

In the light of the ideas they developed Zionism, Theodor Herzl (1860-1904) and theoreticians others, call for a Zionist Jewish state sovereign was suited to the context and time-tempered political origins. If the Chinese and Arabs and the founding of the State of Irish nationalism, why do not the Jews?

Why do not others, and Jews in particular, because it through two thousand years Jews paid a great price has not paid any other people because of political vulnerability, which suffered from expulsion, injustice and persecution and mass murder are not suffer from any other people. The Zionist escape from this tragic history, where the breeze was standing defend the Jewish people.

Since the inception of Zionism had a share of opposition from Jewish, from Alhardim (Alartdo Jewish extremists) and a range of compassionate to return to Iraq and inks reformists, but these elements were, until recently, fringe elements. Now, because of high birth rates, the children of immigrants Alhardim, which were once very small community, 22 percent of students in first grade, and children constitute the Arab equivalent proportion of students of the first row, so it is natural to expect a comprehensive change in Israeli policy about a year 2025.

Worse, the Jewish nation has lost almost automatic support which was obtained by Jews secularists, where many of them felt that this belief that goes back to the nineteenth century had become decade. And accept the views of some people, such as the Jewish state represents the teachings of racial discrimination and ethnic conflict, while others find alternatives to the existing global or cultural pluralism is the most convincing and attractive. And hopes some signs of ongoing changes:

* Evade Israeli youth from military service and record numbers, since 26 percent of Jewish males who have reached the age of registration and 43 percent of Jewish females who have reached the age of registration had stagnated for the army and in in 2006. Demanded the IDF unstable legislation prohibits Jews who do not perform military service benefits and services provided by the State.
* Hit Israeli Attorney General Menachem Mazuz blow to the Jewish National Fund, one of the leading institutions of Zionism (founded in 1901) when it decided that the state will continue to help fund the purchase of land for the Jews.
* Prominent Israeli historians focus on how the presentation of the emergence of Israel an act of sin and how Israel was the force of evil.
* Approved by the Ministry of Education, the Israeli textbooks for students from third grade speaks of the Arabs in Israel in 1948 as a "catastrophe" (catastrophe).
* Publication of Avraham tower, descended from a family of Zionist leadership and himself a prominent figure in the Labor Party, a book which compares Israel Thelathinat Germany, in the last century.
* Found in an opinion poll in 2004 that only 17 percent of American Jews describe themselves as "Zionist."

In the larger context, this move away and abandon the Zionist but echoes and reflects things occur in other Western countries, where degenerated feelings and a sense of national pride national unlike what it was in the past. In Western Europe, citizens tend to underestimate the history, traditions and customs. Last month, for example, the Dutch Princess Maxima, the wife of Crown, said, "There is a Dutch identity." Such a decline in nationalist sentiments throughout the Western world but the more difficult predicament of Israel, which suggests that what Israel is witnessing developments that are consistent with the direction of the largest, makes the task of resisting these developments or pursuant to reverse more difficult.

To get the matter to a peak, the Arabs moving these days in the opposite direction, where up feelings of ethnic and religious hostility to the summit.

Zion, watching these trends, I see many bad omen regarding the future of Israel.

Boisson remind myself that some of today's problems were evident in in 1989. Maybe in 2025, shines over the future of Zionism again, when Despierta Westerners in general and especially the Israelis and understand the dangers posed by the Palestinians and expansionists jihadists and other extremists in the Middle East.

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